Press Releases

U.S. Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) will be a featured speaker at a conference of world climate experts in Vatican City titled Health of People, Health of Planet and our Responsibility: Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health. The workshop will be held Nov. 2-4 and will feature scientists, policy makers, philosophers, theologians, and world leaders. A full list of attendees and the workshop agenda can be found here. Discussion will revolve around the connection between climate change and public health, the impact climate change has on the world’s most vulnerable populations, and the continuous degradation of our environment. 

In his remarks, Rep. Peters will describe the critical role the Catholic Church and all faith leaders play in convincing lawmakers who remain skeptical of the urgent need to act on climate. He will urge them to continue to use their powerful influence to change the hearts and minds of those who continue to deny that human activity is the cause of the planet's rising temperature. The event will be livestreamed and can be found on the Pontifical Academy of Sciences’ page.

“The Vatican’s leadership is essential in highlighting the moral crossroad we face if we don’t tackle climate change," said Rep. Scott Peters. “Climate denial has become a litmus test for conservative politicians; the Pope and the Vatican can be instrumental to changing their minds and hearts.  The notion of addressing climate change used to be bipartisan, but the divisive state of American politics has caught up to the issue. Since it's evident that President Trump is determined to undermine all of the progress on climate achieved by President Obama, now is the time for local governments and leaders around the world to act on the existential threat of climate change.”

Rep Scott Peters continued, “It is an absolute honor and privilege to be included in such an historic event. The moral clarity and commitment Pope Francis and the Vatican have conveyed towards climate action will be critical if we are going to properly battle climate change.”

Congressman Peters is a member of the House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC), where he serves as Chair of the Climate Task Force. He is also an active member on the House Safe Climate Caucus.