Press Releases

Today, U.S. Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) offered his prayers for those sailors who were killed, injured, or are still missing following the collision between the U.S.S. John McCain and a commercial tanker. He also called for Congress to investigate the collision, as well as the June accident involving the U.S.S. Fitzgerald that led to the death of seven sailors, to provide recommendations for how Congress can help prevent similar accidents in the future.

Rep. Peters released the following statement:

“We are immensely saddened by the news of our fallen sailors and are keeping them, their families, and other members of the crew of the U.S.S. McCain in our thoughts following this terrible accident. I also offer my thanks to the search and rescue crews from the U.S. Navy and our partners that are assisting in the recovery.

“These tragic, senseless collisions have taken the lives of too many brave sailors. Admiral Richardson, who I know well from his time in San Diego, initiated extraordinary actions to get to the bottom of these tragedies. I fully support the serious approach he is taking, and feel that Congress must also do its part by launching an investigation.

“As we continue the pivot to the Pacific to counter new and dynamic threats, the Navy is being asked to do more than it ever has. It is Congress’ duty to provide our service members with the resources they need to carry out their missions safely and effectively. A thorough investigation by the Armed Services Committee would give Congress a better understanding of what caused these collisions – the increase in operational tempo, insufficient funding for readiness and repairs, or other factors – and how we can better equip and train our sailors to prevent similar accidents in the future.”