Press Releases
Rep. Peters Supports Strong Diplomacy Plus Threat of Joint Military Action to Curb North Korean Aggression
September 8, 2016
Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) helped pass legislation that strongly condemns recent ballistic missile tests by North Korea and reaffirms the importance of our trilateral relationship with South Korea and Japan in containing North Korean aggression. The measure supports the use of joint military exercises to enhance security in the region and also backs the expansion of intelligence sharing and diplomatic cooperation to hold North Korea accountable for its development of ballistic missiles and human rights violations.
“North Korea’s testing of ballistic missiles is absolutely unacceptable; it poses a real threat to the United States, to our allies, and to peace and stability in Asia,” Rep Peters said. “Working with our regional partners is central to a targeted, tough strategy to curb North Korean aggression and hold it accountable for its actions.”
Congressman Peters also supported passage of three additional pieces of legislation to enhance U.S. diplomacy. The Education for All Act supports United States Agency for International Development (USAID) programs to expand educational opportunities around the world. The Digital GAP Act works to promote Internet access in developing countries by calling for the inclusion of broadband in infrastructure projects. And the AGOA Enhancement Act requires the president to enhance awareness of the African Growth and Opportunity Act, which allows the United States to provide trade preference to sub-Saharan African countries that are working to establish a market based economy and uphold human rights standards.
Rep. Peters concluded, “America’s ability to promote peace and prosperity across the world depends not only on our military strength, but also on smart diplomacy and economic leadership.