Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) voted against the Republican budget resolution, S. Con. Res. 3, which passed the House and paves the way for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Rep. Peters also voted against an amendment that would have removed the healthcare repeal provision because it left in place the underlying Republican budget framework and added $9.5 trillion to the national debt over the next decade.

After the votes, Rep. Peters released the following statement:

“The disastrous framework that passed the House today would blow a $9 trillion hole in the federal budget and rip the rug out from underneath millions of hardworking families who have gained healthcare coverage; it starts us on a reckless path back to when Americans with pre-existing conditions couldn’t get coverage and college graduates had to choose between having healthcare and paying down student loans.”

“The Affordable Care Act is not perfect, and I have voted against my own party to make critical fixes to the law to lower costs for families and ease the burden on small businesses. That’s what we should be doing now – coming together on fiscally responsible improvements that make healthcare more affordable and accessible for everyone.

“I am willing to work with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to improve our healthcare system, but I will continue to reject politically motivated, fiscally irresponsible attacks to repeal the Affordable Care Act that do nothing to make healthcare work better for families and entrepreneurs.”