Press Releases

Today, Rep. Scott Peters (CA-52) voted to formally condemn President Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria and leave the fate of our Kurdish allies in the hands of Turkey.

“Today, Congress rebuked the president’s misguided decision to abandon our Kurdish allies and allow a deadly Turkish incursion into Syria. Tragically, the damage is done. Our withdrawal subjects Syria to mass regional destabilization and the Kurds to potential war crimes. It also created a vacuum that makes Americans less safe as ISIS resurges and Turkey, Russia, and Iran attempt to assert their presence in the area. America must remain a diplomatic leader worldwide, which is why we also must vote on strong bipartisan, bicameral sanctions against Turkey, so some of this chaos might be contained,” said Rep. Peters.

Last week, Rep. Peters condemned President Trump’s unilateral decision to immediately pull U.S. troops out of Syria.