Press Releases

Today, U.S. Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) reacted to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposal to roll back a methane capture rule issued under the Obama Administration for the oil and gas industry:

“The Trump Administration’s plan to relax regulations on a super pollutant that causes some of the most damage to our environment is particularly alarming as we continue to develop innovative solutions to keep our air clean. Instead of making it easier for these short-lived climate pollutants to enter our atmosphere, we should coordinate efforts between multiple levels of governments to prevent methane emissions or use them to generate new energy,” said Rep. Peters.

“In San Diego, we know methane capture technology can be expanded and used to reduce emissions. Marine Corps Air Station Miramar is using methane from the City of San Diego’s solid waste landfill to generate much of its power. We need to apply this forward-thinking approach across the country. Sadly, this latest move by the Trump Admiration is a step backward.”

Methane is significantly more potent than other greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide. The Obama Administration’s guidance would have decreased methane emissions from the oil and gas industry 40 percent from 2012 levels by 2025. Methane is likely to escape at distribution places and connection points. Benefits of capturing greenhouse gases can be lost without capturing methane gases before they reach the atmosphere.

During his time in Congress, Rep. Peters has advocated for methane capture and a greater investment in these technologies. Rep. Peters and Rep. Carlos Curbelo (FL-26) introduced the bipartisan Super Pollutant Emissions Reduction (SUPER) Act, and Rep. Peters and Rep. David Young (IA-3) introduced the bipartisan Carbon Utilization Act. Both of these bills would address methane levels in earth’s atmosphere.