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Rep. Scott Peters called President Trump’s firing Tuesday of FBI Director James Comey a “brazen assault” on American democracy.

“Firing law enforcement officers who may be investigating you or your associates and then appointing their replacements is something that happens in dictatorships — not in the United States of America,” said the Democratic Congressman from La Jolla.

“This move from the President is breathtaking in its brazen disregard for the independence of our justice system,” said Peters. “Republican members of Congress who fail to stand up against this are complicit in this assault on our democracy.”

Comey, who was in Los Angeles at the time, first heard of his firing on television. He was personally leading the investigation into possible Russian ties to the Trump election campaign.

Peters, in a statement after the firing, called for an independent commission to investigate possible Russian interference in the election and for appointment of a special prosecutor.

“Anyone who stands in the way of an independent investigation denies the American people the answers they deserve,” he said.

Peters represents the 52nd District, which covers much of central San Diego County, including Poway, Coronado, and large portions of the City of San Diego.