In the News

Alone among the San Diego Congressional delegation, Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter voted Wednesday to repeal the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare.

President Obama will almost certainly veto the legislation, which passed the House 240-181, and Republicans do not have a large enough majority in Congress to override a veto.

The three Democrats from San Diego County — Susan Davis, Scott Peters and Juan Vargas — voted against the measure. Republican Darrell Issa did not vote.

The legislation would both repeal Obamacare and end federal funding for Planned Parenthood programs, two issues that have been of major concern to conservatives.

“This legislation would rip health care away from 22 million Americans, and deny affordable reproductive care to millions of women,” said Peters after the vote. “At a time when so many hard-working Americans still struggle to make ends meet, pay off their mortgages, or send their kids to college, the last thing Congress should do is take away their health care.”

The Republican leadership said it plans to propose an alternative to Obamacare later this month.