In the News

No Labels, the political organization that aims to shun entrenched partisanship, is entering the world of radio with their own show on SiriusXM.

“No Labels Radio” will appear on the satellite radio network’s “P.O.T.U.S.” channel and consists of a monthly series of town halls.

The inaugural call-in show will take place on May 15 and feature No Labels co-chairs Jon Huntsman and Sen. Joe Manchin, and be moderated by P.O.T.U.S. host Michael Smerconish.

Reps. Janice Hahn, Scott Peters, Tom Petri, Tulsi Gabbard, Michael Fitzpatrick and Jim Matheson are expected to participate as well. SiriusXM is encouraging listeners to use the #AskCongress hashtag to solicit feedback via Twitter.

“The partnership between SiriusXM radio and No Labels is yet another important step in the process of broadening the national conversation around common sense solutions and problem solving,” said Huntsman in a release.”I am proud to be a part of this new venture.”

“It seems these days the American people only hear partisan spin coming from D.C. SiriusXM’s No Labels Radio will give Americans the opportunity to hear just the facts from our elected officials,” said Manchin. “The next few years are crucial for our country as we tackle our growing debt and deficit, work on an all-of-the-above energy policy and protect our seniors, veterans and children. It is imperative that the American people hear how we can work together to fix our nation’s challenges.”

SiriusXM President and Chief Content Officer Scott Greenstein said, “With No Labels Radio, we hope to provide leaders a forum to discuss issues that should be the subject of political cooperation and to hear directly from the citizens who are affected by their action or inaction.”