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Rep. Scott Peters broke ranks with his fellow Democrats and voted against a deal to raise budget caps and suspend the debt ceiling, citing the “ballooning” federal debt.

“I voted against this budget deal because it maintains a pattern of irresponsibly borrowing money to pay expenses,” said Peters after his vote. “Today’s budget deal is projected to balloon the deficit by as much as $1.7 trillion over the next decade.”

The deal crafted by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi passed 284 to 149, with most Democrats voting for and most Republicans voting against. Democrats Susan Davis, Mike Levin and Juan Vargas voted with the majority, but embattled Republican Duncan Hunter joined Peters in voting against it.

Peters noted that he also voted against the 2017 Republican tax-cut bill, which is projected to add $1.9 trillion to the national debt over a decade.

“Massive debt isn’t a theoretical problem—it has real consequences,” said Peters. “In five years we will spend more on interest than we spend on national defense.”

Peters represents the 52nd District, which covers much of central San Diego County including Poway, Coronado, and large portions of the City of San Diego.