In the News

Monday’s announcement that four House Democrats representing parts of San Diego County are working to secure funding to fix Tijuana’s broken sewage infrastructure and to address related issues may be years overdue, but it is highly welcome.

Rep. Juan Vargas and Rep. Scott Peters have introduced a bill to provide the North American Development Bank with $1.5 billion to finance infrastructure projects, with a focus on improving wastewater treatment and reducing water pollution.

Rep. Susan Davis has introduced a resolution “to encourage the Department of the Navy to take a leading role in the mitigation of cross-border spills, discharges and debris in the Tijuana River that impact national security interests of the United States.” As Davis noted, constant sewage spills would interfere with the Navy SEAL training facility to be built near the mouth of the Tijuana River.

Rep. Mike Levin of San Juan Capistrano, whose district includes northern coastal areas of San Diego, introduced legislation that would authorize an additional $750 million over the next five years for the Border Water Infrastructure Fund.

In an email to an editorial writer, an aide to Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Alpine, said Hunter has been “very active” on this issue and that “if these legislative measures are approaches he can support, he most certainly will.” A united county front would help as House members lobby their colleagues and the White House. The time for talk is over. Fix this.