Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Scott Peters (CA-50) celebrated the Senate’s overwhelming 88-2 passage of his legislation to remove barriers to investment in advanced nuclear reactor technologies and inhibit our adversaries’ nuclear capabilities. Rep. Peters’ Advanced Reactor Fee Reduction Act with Congressman Larry Bucshon and his Global Nuclear Energy Assessment and Cooperation Act with Congressman Buddy Carter were included in the bipartisan Atomic Energy Advancement Act. The House passed this package in February, and it now heads to the President Biden for his signature to become law.


“Nuclear energy is essential to a clean, resilient, and reliable electric grid and represents the largest source of zero-carbon electricity in the United States,” said Rep. Peters. “Any new clean nuclear energy development must ensure that we tackle past and ongoing nuclear waste disposal, and I will continue to push for a permanent and responsible solution to this problem. My Global Nuclear Energy Assessment and Cooperation Act bolsters our nuclear energy sector while inhibiting our adversaries’ nuclear capabilities, including China and Russia, by constraining their exports and limiting their ability to access American technology. My Advanced Reactor Fee Reduction Act removes costly application fees for advanced nuclear reactor technologies that disincentivize investments in America’s clean energy future. I look forward to President Biden signing this commonsense legislation that will advance American clean energy.”

