Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Scott Peters (CA-50) announced two amendments he has proposed to the Fiscal Year 2024 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Bill (SFOPS) to boost annual construction funding to the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC), which operates the South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant (SBIWTP), to $100 million. The amendments would also allow the transfer of additional funds from other federal and non-federal entities to the plant. The increase in funds would speed up and support the work to rehabilitate and expand the dilapidated plant. San Diego area Congressmembers Juan Vargas (CA-52), Sara Jacobs (CA-51), and Mike Levin (CA-49) joined Rep. Peters in introducing these amendments as co-sponsors.


“The overwhelming flows of untreated sewage that close our beaches, sicken our citizens, and hurt our businesses is a catastrophe for nearby residents and it must come to an end,” said Rep. Peters. “I am committed to doing everything in my power to find the funds we need to solve this urgent crisis. These amendments are just one vital piece of that puzzle in addition to immediate emergency funds that we have requested.”


“I’m proud to offer this amendment with my colleagues in the San Diego Congressional delegation that would provide crucial funding necessary to address the cross-border pollution impacting my constituents and the Tijuana River Valley," said Rep. Vargas. "Increasing IBWC's construction budget and providing transfer authority from non-federal entities will make a substantial difference in the Commission's ability to address transboundary flows and improve public health in the region.”


“San Diego just had one of its worst sewage summers marked by beach closures, shuttered small businesses, and worsened health due to the raw sewage and trash that’s flowed through the Tijuana River Valley for generations,” said Rep Jacobs. “While I’m relieved that we’ve finally cut through the red tape and brought more than $300 million in federal funding to California to address this crisis, we still need these additional measures to end this crisis once and for all.”


“For decades, our communities in San Diego have faced worsening water and environmental quality due to wastewater pollution from the Tijuana River and inadequate water treatment infrastructure,” said Rep. Levin. “That’s why I’m pleased to join with my colleagues in the San Diego delegation to fight for increased funding to repair and expand the International Treatment Plant. Our constituents deserve access to clean beaches and a healthy environment. This funding will build on the previous resources we’ve secured to improve our region’s water quality and help end this long-standing environmental disaster.”


Full text of the amendments here and here.
