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SAN DIEGO — Today, Rep. Scott Peters (CA-50) announced the endorsement of the Congressional Problem Solvers Caucus for his Providing Child Care for Police Officers Act. Each session of Congress, only 2 to 3 percent of bills make it to the President’s desk, so securing the support of this caucus – composed of an equal number of Republicans and Democrats – makes the bill’s success more likely.

Introduced earlier this year, the bill will provide grants of up to $3 million to law enforcement agencies to assist with the opening and operation of child care centers. A key goal of the legislation is to make policing a more attractive profession for women. Research by the 30x30 Initiative, which advocates for increased representation of women in police recruit classes to 30% by 2030, shows that women officers develop deeper trust with communities, are less likely to use force, and are less frequently identified in complaints and lawsuits.

San Diego is home to a first-of-its-kind local law enforcement child care facility, which is set to open early next year.

 “Providing law enforcement officers with accessible, affordable childcare will help with recruitment, boost retention, and spur reform,” said Rep. Peters.

“Since plans for San Diego’s childcare center were announced in 2022, law enforcement agencies across the nation have reached out for guidance to replicate this model. My bill would provide funding to help them do that once it’s passed,” he added. “This is why the endorsement from the Problem Solvers Caucus is so important – each session, only 2 to 3 percent of bills become law. To receive the endorsement of a group composed of an equal number of Republicans and Democrats improve the chances of the bill becoming law.”

“The 30x30 Initiative partners with hundreds of policing agencies across the country to overcome obstacles to recruiting and retaining women officers. Congressman Peters’ Providing Child Care for Police Officers Act addresses one of these most critical obstacles and I’m encouraged that the support of the Problem Solvers Caucus will help move the bill forward,” said 30x30 Initiative Co-Founder, Maureen McGough.

“When police officers can’t access affordable childcare, it can affect their ability to serve our communities. The Providing Child Care for Police Officers Act would help San Diego and cities across the country create more affordable childcare options, which in turn will aid our efforts to recruit and retain top-notch public safety personnel. The legislation aligns with San Diego’s recent opening of a new childcare facility for San Diego police officers tailored to their nontraditional schedules, and I want to thank Congressman Peters for his leadership on solving this critical challenge,” said San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria.

“Personally, I missed certain moments in my family life because of the job, but now maybe things can be different for the next generation of officers,” said San Diego Police Assistant Chief Sandra Albrektsen.

“I want to thank Representative Peters for taking what we are doing here to the national level to help other agencies fund the childcare needs of their officers. These solutions are what are going to help us retain good officers and encourage more women to join a profession that can be so rewarding,” she added.

"The conception of the SDPOA Childcare Center began with a single-parent mother of the SDPD, desperately seeking affordable childcare," said Jared Wilson, President of the San Diego Police Officers Association. "Her call for help became the catalyst for change. We recognize the shared struggles of officers nationwide—juggling exorbitant childcare costs amidst unconventional work hours.

“As the first in the country to develop a brand-new childcare center for police officers at a discounted rate, we are proud that this project is now serving as an example for other agencies. We are excited as this project becomes a beacon of innovation and support for law enforcement across the United States," he continued.

“PORAC is very appreciative of Congressman Peters’ work on this bill to help ensure accessible and affordable child care for peace officers both here in California and across the nation,” said Brian Marvel, President of the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC). “With law enforcement agencies struggling to adequately staff their departments, it is critical that we provide our officers with the resources they need to bolster recruitment and retention efforts. This bill will make careers in public safety more accessible for parents and help agencies attract a more representative and diverse force – something which we know will lend itself to improving community policing for all.”

Rep. Peters’ Providing Child Care for Police Officers Act has been endorsed by Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO), International Union of Police Associations (IUPA), Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives (NAWLEE), Major Cities Chiefs Association


Rep. Peters has co-sponsored or supported many bills to increase child care benefits and boost children’s health and education programs. Some recent actions include:

  • Supported recent calls for President Biden to invest $16 billion to prevent the child care funding cliff caused by the end of the COVID child care stabilization grants
  • Cosponsor of the American Family Act, which would make the expanded Child Tax Credit permanent
  • Cosponsor of the Healthy Meals Help Kids Learn Act, which would permanently increase the federal reimbursement rates for the school lunch and breakfast programs
  • Cosponsor of the Helping Schools Feed Kids Act, which would extend increased reimbursements for school meal programs for the 2023-2024 school year
  • Cosponsor of the Mental Health Services for Students Act, which would provide funding for public schools to partner with local mental health professionals to establish on-site mental health services for students.
  • Cosponsor of the Healthy Families Act, which would set a national paid sick day standard and would allow workers to earn up to seven job-protected sick days/year to use to provide care to a sick family member (child) or attend school meetings related to a child’s health, among other uses.
  • Cosponsor of the Loan Forgiveness for Educators Act, which expands the Teacher Loan Forgiveness program to educators in early childhood education programs and expedite debt forgiveness for educators in high-need public schools.