Press Releases

Yesterday, U.S. Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) voted to pass new rules for the operation of the 116th session of Congress. These rules will allow for more open debate, advance widely bipartisan bills to the floor, require bills to be published 72 hours before they are brought to the House floor, fast-track overwhelmingly bipartisan legislation, and prohibit members of Congress or staff from serving on corporate boards. It also bans discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

“Congress works for the American people and we need rules to support that directive. That’s why I worked with the New Dem Coalition and Problem Solvers Caucus to negotiate rules that encourage open debate, give members time to read legislation we will vote on, and lessen the influence that politics has on policy. Voters clearly want change in Washington, and this package shows that Democrats are ready to hold the Trump administration accountable and get Congress working for the people again,” said Rep. Peters.