In the News
We asked every member of the House of Representatives about the Parkland gun policy agenda. Here’s what they said.
May 21, 2018
By Christopher Ingraham
A student walked into Santa Fe High School outside Galveston, Texas on Friday and began shooting his classmates, murdering eight students and two teachers.
The horrific shooting comes at a time of increased focus on gun policy issues nationwide, brought to the forefront by survivors of another school shooting in Parkland, Fla., just three months ago.
Following that shooting, a group of student survivors laid out a policy agenda consisting of five items intended to help reduce the toll of American gun violence. Those items include:
1. Dedicated funding for the CDC to research gun violence
2. Strengthening the ATF's ability to track and record gun sales
3. Universal background checks for gun purchases
4. A ban on magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition
5. A ban on assault weapons, including a registration or buyback program for these weapons already in circulation
Before the Santa Fe shooting, The Washington Post contacted the office of every U.S. representative, multiple times if necessary, to gauge their support or opposition to the proposals, which have yet to be codified into a single bill. We found that while many Democrats were eager to support the proposals, most Republicans did not seem to want to engage on the issue, as evidenced by the high rate of nonresponse among Republican members.
Just 13 percent of the House Republican delegation — 30 out of 237 members — responded to repeated Post attempts, via multiple emails and phone calls, to seek comment on the issue. Most of those who did respond offered forceful statements of opposition to the proposals.
“One more law won’t stop mentally ill or hostile people from killing others,” said Rep. Paul A. Gosar (R-Ariz.). “We need to educate our people about the reality of this and not pass more useless laws or stomp on people’s right to self defense and other civil rights.”
Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) struck a similar tone. “I am a staunch supporter of citizen’s right to protect themselves — no law abiding citizen’s Second Amendment rights should be infringed.”
By contrast, more than three-quarters of the House Democratic delegation responded to Post inquiries, with nearly all of them affirming their support for the Parkland proposals in full.
“I strongly support the Second Amendment and the rights of responsible gun owners; however, there is no reason for civilians to possess these weapons of war that are being used in a number of these mass shootings,” said Rep. Scott Peters (D-Calif.)
“I support these students. I support their proposals,” said Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.). “They remind me of my generation of students and young people in the 1960s.”
Notably, all four Democratic House leaders — Leader Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.), Whip Steny H. Hoyer (D.-Md.), Assistant Leader James E. Clyburn (D.-S.C.) and Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D.-N.Y.) — said they support the Parkland students' gun policy agenda. That's a striking reversal from just two years ago, when House Democratic leadership balked at pursuing somewhat controversial gun control policies such as a renewed assault weapons ban.
All told, 189 lawmakers, representing 44 percent of the 430 seats currently occupied, have responded to The Post's request for comment. But what about the other 56 percent?
Given The Post's extensive efforts to contact every lawmaker, nonresponse may be its own type of response: a deliberate refusal to engage on the issue. It's telling that the overwhelming majority — 86 percent — of non-respondents were Republicans. Given congressional Republicans' consistent opposition to tighter restrictions on gun ownership during the past decade, this may not be surprising.
A number of Republican lawmakers have supported various firearm regulations that aren't part of the March For Our Lives recommendations. Reps. Tom Rooney (R.-Fla.) and Carlos Curbelo (R.-Fla.), for instance, cosponsored a bipartisan bill that would raise the minimum age for firearm purchases to 21.
But a number of Democrats declined to respond as well. Notable Democratic non-respondents include Rep. Collin C. Peterson of Minnesota, who holds the most Republican-leaning district of any Democratic congressman, according to the Cook Political Report.
The students from Parkland have successfully pushed for tighter gun regulations in a number of states and localities since February, when a student came to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and 17 students and educators.
But on a nationwide level, the responses and non-responses from House members suggest the Parkland students' agenda, if wrapped into a single bill, would not pass. Indeed, it would be unlikely to even get a vote under GOP control, as party leaders rarely bring up legislation that lacks support from their own majority.
Below is a list of lawmakers' positions on the Parkland agenda. It will be updated as more lawmakers respond or change their stance.
Jeffrey Stein contributed to this report.
Representatives supporting the Parkland gun policy agenda
Adams, Alma | D | N.C. | 12th | Yes | |
Aguilar, Pete | D | Calif. | 31st | Yes | |
Barragan, Nanette Diaz | D | Calif. | 44th | Yes | |
Bass, Karen | D | Calif. | 37th | Yes | |
Beatty, Joyce | D | Ohio | 3rd | Yes | |
Bera, Ami | D | Calif. | 7th | Yes | |
Beyer, Donald | D | VA | 8th | Yes | |
Blumenauer, Earl | D | Ore. | 3rd | Yes | |
Bonamici, Suzanne | D | Ore. | 1st | Yes | I thank the students from Parkland, from Oregon, and from around the country who are saying without equivocation that gun violence is unacceptable. Congress can and must work together to keep our children and our communities safe. |
Boyle, Brendan | D | Pa. | 13th | Yes | |
Brady, Robert A. | D | Pa. | 1st | Yes | |
Brown, Anthony G. | D | MD | 4th | Yes | |
Brownley, Julia | D | Calif. | 26th | Yes | |
Capuano, Michael E. | D | MA | 7th | Yes | |
Carbajal, Salud O. | D | Calif. | 24th | Yes | |
Cardenas, Tony | D | Calif. | 29th | Yes | |
Carson, Andre | D | Ind. | 7th | Yes | |
Cartwright, Matthew | D | Pa. | 17th | Yes | |
Castro, Joaquin | D | Tex. | 20th | Yes | |
Chu, Judy | D | Calif. | 27th | Yes | |
Cicilline, David N. | D | R.I. | 1st | Yes | |
Clark, Katherine M. | D | MA | 5th | Yes | Young people are inspiring the country with their demand for action to end gun violence and Washington must respond. |
Clarke, Yvette D. | D | N.Y. | 9th | Yes | |
Clay Jr., William “Lacy” | D | Mo. | 1st | Yes | |
Clyburn, James E. | D | S.C. | 6th | Yes | |
Cohen, Steve | D | Tenn. | 9th | Yes | |
Connolly, Gerald E. | D | VA | 11th | Yes | |
Cooper, Jim | D | Tenn. | 5th | Yes | |
Courtney, Joe | D | Conn. | 2nd | Yes | |
Crist, Charlie | D | Fla. | 13th | Yes | |
Crowley, Joseph | D | N.Y. | 14th | Yes | |
Cummings, Elijah E. | D | MD | 7th | Yes | |
Davis, Susan A. | D | Calif. | 53rd | Yes | |
DeGette, Diana | D | Colo. | 1st | Yes | As a lawyer, legislator and long-time public servant, I respect the rights that collectors, hunters, sportsmen and others have under the Second Amendment. Common-sense gun safety legislation will let Americans preserve those rights while at the same time stopping the senseless slaughter of innocent people. |
Delaney, John K. | D | MD | 6th | Yes | |
DeLauro, Rosa L. | D | Conn. | 3rd | Yes | |
DelBene, Suzan K. | D | Wash. | 1st | Yes | |
Demings, Val Butler | D | Fla. | 10th | Yes | |
DeSaulnier, Mark | D | Calif. | 11th | Yes | |
Deutch, Theodore E. | D | Fla. | 22nd | Yes | The Stoneman Douglas student-survivors have started a movement, and I’m proud to stand with them. |
Doggett, Lloyd | D | Tex. | 35th | Yes | |
Doyle, Michael F. | D | Pa. | 14th | Yes | |
Ellison, Keith | D | Minn. | 5th | Yes | |
Engel, Eliot | D | N.Y. | 16th | Yes | |
Eshoo, Anna. G. | D | Calif. | 18th | Yes | |
Espaillat, Adriano | D | N.Y. | 13th | Yes | It's time for a common sense solution to America's gun problem, and the students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida have really stepped up to address one of the most pressing issues affecting communities around the nation. |
Esty, Elizabeth H. | D | Conn. | 5th | Yes | |
Evans, Dwight | D | Pa. | 2nd | Yes | |
Foster, Bill | D | Ill. | 11th | Yes | |
Frankel, Lois | D | Fla. | 21st | Yes | |
Gabbard, Tulsi | D | Hawaii | 2nd | Yes | |
Gallego, Ruben | D | Ariz. | 7th | Yes | |
Garamendi, John | D | Calif. | 3rd | Yes | |
Grijalva, Raul M. | D | Ariz. | 3rd | Yes | |
Gomez, Jimmy | D | Calif. | 34th | Yes | |
Gottheimer, Josh | D | N.J. | 5th | Yes | |
Gutierrez, Luis | D | Ill. | 4th | Yes | |
Hanabusa, Colleen | D | Hawaii | 1st | Yes | |
Hastings, Alcee L. | D | Fla. | 20th | Yes | The Marjory Stoneman Douglas students have turned their grief into action and have undeniably propelled the gun control debate forward in our country. Their platform is sensible and should win the support of every responsible gun owner in America. |
Heck, Denny | D | Wash. | 10th | Yes | |
Higgins, Brian | D | N.Y. | 26th | Yes | |
Himes, James A. | D | Conn. | 4th | Yes | |
Hoyer, Steny H. | D | MD | 5th | Yes | |
Huffman, Jared | D | Calif. | 2nd | Yes | |
Jackson Lee, Sheila | D | Tex. | 18th | Yes | |
Jayapal, Pramila | D | Wash. | 7th | Yes | |
Jeffries, Hakeem S. | D | N.Y. | 8th | Yes | |
Johnson, Henry C. “Hank” Jr. | D | Ga. | 4th | Yes | |
Kaptur, Marcy | D | Ohio | 9th | Yes | |
Keating, William R. | D | MA | 9th | Yes | |
Kelly, Robin L. | D | Ill. | 2nd | Yes | |
Kennedy III, Joseph P. | D | MA | 4th | Yes | |
Khanna, Ro | D | Calif. | 17th | Yes | |
Kihuen, Ruben | D | Nev. | 4th | Yes | |
Kildee, Daniel | D | Mich. | 5th | Yes | |
Kilmer, Derek | D | Wash. | 6th | Yes | |
King, Pete | R | N.Y. | 2nd | Yes | |
Krishnamoorthi, Raja | D | Ill. | 8th | Yes | |
Kuster, Ann | D | N.H. | 2nd | Yes | |
Langevin, James R. | D | R.I. | 2nd | Yes | |
Larsen, Rick | D | Wash. | 2nd | Yes | |
Larson, John B. | D | Conn. | 1st | Yes | |
Lawrence, Brenda L. | D | Mich. | 14th | Yes | |
Lee, Barbara | D | Calif. | 13th | Yes | |
Levin, Sander M. | D | Mich. | 9th | Yes | |
Lewis, John | D | Ga. | 5th | Yes | I support these students. I support their proposals. ... They remind me of my generation of students and young people in the 1960s. |
Lieu, Ted | D | Calif. | 33rd | Yes | |
Lipinski, Daniel | D | Ill. | 3rd | Yes | |
Lofgren, Zoe | D | Calif. | 19th | Yes | |
Lowenthal, Alan S. | D | Calif. | 47th | Yes | |
Lowey, Nita M. | D | N.Y. | 17th | Yes | |
Lujan, Ben Ray | D | N.M. | 3rd | Yes | I’ve heard the voices of students and survivors across the country and I agree with them: never again. I support commonsense measures to ensure that our children no longer go to school — or a library, movie theater, or concert — scared for their safety. |
Lujan Grisham, Michelle | D | N.M. | 1st | Yes | I stand with students all across the country who are doing everything they can to make their schools and communities safer places to live and learn. Everyone has the fundamental right to live free from the threat of gun violence in their communities, and I am inspired by their advocacy. |
Lynch, Stephen F. | D | MA | 8th | Yes | |
Maloney, Carolyn B. | D | N.Y. | 12th | Yes | |
Maloney, Sean Patrick | D | N.Y. | 18th | Yes | |
Matsui, Doris O. | D | Calif. | 6th | Yes | |
McCollum, Betty | D | Minn. | 4th | Yes | |
McEachin, A. Donald | D | VA | 4th | Yes | I was proud to stand with the Parkland students at the March and will continue to work with them to bring about much-needed change. I hear their outcry and deeply want to give the students and all of us what we want — a safer America. |
McGovern, James P. | D | MA | 2nd | Yes | |
McNerney, Jerry | D | Calif. | 9th | Yes | |
Meeks, Gregory W. | D | N.Y. | 5th | Yes | |
Meng, Grace | D | N.Y. | 6th | Yes | |
Moore, Gwen | D | Wis. | 4th | Yes | |
Moulton, Seth | D | MA | 6th | Yes | |
Murphy, Stephanie | D | Fla. | 7th | Yes | |
Nadler, Jerrold | D | N.Y. | 10th | Yes | There is no one legislative action that would prevent every shooting injury or death, but there is a range of sensible measures that we should consider without delay. I join those demanding immediate adoption of meaningful legislation to prevent gun violence. |
Napolitano, Grace F. | D | Calif. | 32nd | Yes | |
Nolan, Richard M. | D | Minn. | 8th | Yes | |
Norcross, Donald | D | N.J. | 1st | Yes | |
O'Rourke, Beto | D | Tex. | 16th | Yes | |
Panetta, Jimmy | D | Calif. | 20th | Yes | |
Pascrell, Bill Jr. | D | N.J. | 9th | Yes | |
Payne, Donald M. Jr. | D | N.J. | 10th | Yes | |
Pelosi, Nancy | D | Calif. | 12th | Yes | |
Perlmutter, Ed | D | Colo. | 7th | Yes | |
Peters, Scott H. | D | Calif. | 52nd | Yes | I strongly support the Second Amendment and the rights of responsible gun owners; however, there is no reason for civilians to possess these weapons of war that are being used in a number of these mass shootings. |
Pingree, Chellie | D | Maine | 1st | Yes | |
Pocan, Mark | D | Wis. | 2nd | Yes | |
Price, David E. | D | N.C. | 4th | Yes | |
Quigley, Mike | D | Ill. | 5th | Yes | |
Raskin, Jamie | D | MD | 8th | Yes | |
Rice, Kathleen M. | D | N.Y. | 4th | Yes | |
Richmond, Cedric L. | D | La. | 2nd | Yes | |
Rochester, Lisa | D | Del. | At-large | Yes | |
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana | R | Fla. | 17th | Yes | |
Rosen, Jacky | D | Nev. | 3rd | Yes | |
Roybal-Allard, Lucille | D | Calif. | 40th | Yes | |
Ruiz, Raul | D | Calif. | 36th | Yes | |
Ruppersberger, C.A. “Dutch” | D | MD | 2nd | Yes | |
Rush, Bobby L. | D | Ill. | 1st | Yes | |
Ryan, Tim | D | Ohio | 13th | Yes | |
Sanchez, Linda T. | D | Calif. | 38th | Yes | |
Sarbanes, John P. | D | MD | 3rd | Yes | |
Schakowsky, Janice D. | D | Ill. | 9th | Yes | |
Schiff, Adam B. | D | Calif. | 28th | Yes | |
Schneider, Bradley Scott | D | Ill. | 10th | Yes | |
Scott, Robert C. “Bobby” | D | VA | 3rd | Yes | |
Serrano, Jose E. | D | N.Y. | 15th | Yes | |
Smith, Adam | D | Wash. | 9th | Yes | |
Soto, Darren | D | Fla. | 9th | Yes | |
Speier, Jackie | D | Calif. | 14th | Yes | |
Suozzi, Thomas | D | N.Y. | 3rd | Yes | |
Swalwell, Eric | D | Calif. | 15th | Yes | |
Takano, Mark | D | Calif. | 41st | Yes | |
Thompson, Mike | D | Calif. | 5th | Yes | |
Titus, Dina | D | Nev. | 1st | Yes | |
Tonko, Paul | D | N.Y. | 20th | Yes | |
Torres, Norma J. | D | Calif. | 35th | Yes | |
Tsongas, Niki | D | MA | 3rd | Yes | |
Vargas, Juan | D | Calif. | 51st | Yes | |
Velazquez, Nydia M. | D | N.Y. | 7th | Yes | |
Walz, Timothy J. | D | Minn. | 1st | Yes | |
Wasserman Schultz, Debbie | D | Fla. | 23rd | Yes | |
Waters, Maxine | D | Calif. | 43rd | Yes | |
Watson Coleman, Bonnie | D | N.J. | 12th | Yes | |
Welch, Peter | D | Vt. | At-Large | Yes | |
Wilson, Frederica S. | D | Fla. | 24th | Yes | |
Yarmuth, John A. | D | Ky. | 3rd | Yes |
Representatives supporting some of the Parkland gun policy agenda
Lamb, Conor | D | Pa. | 18th | Some | As a matter of practical reality and urgency, I believe we need to unite behind bills we can pass right now. I support universal background checks, evidence-based research, and more aggressive gun trafficking investigations and prosecutions. |
Palazzo, Steven M. | R | Miss. | 4th | Some | |
Curtis, John | R | Utah | 3rd | Some | |
Rooney, Francis | R | Fla. | 19th | Some |
Representatives opposing or declining to support the Parkland gun policy agenda
Abraham, Ralph | R | La. | 5th | No | |
Amodei, Mark | R | Nev. | 2nd | No | |
Barletta, Lou | R | Pa. | 11th | No | |
Brat, Dave | R | VA | 7th | No | |
Bridenstine, Jim | R | Okla. | 1st | No | |
Cheney, Liz | R | Wyo. | At-large | No | |
Comstock, Barbara | R | VA | 10th | No | |
Correa, J. Luis | D | Calif. | 46th | No | |
Cramer, Kevin | R | N.D. | At-large | No | We must continue to protect the rights of law-abiding gun owners while doing a better job of keeping guns away from people who shouldn't have them. |
Diaz-Balart, Mario | R | Fla. | 25th | No | |
Frelinghuysen, Rodney P. | R | N.J. | 11th | No | |
Gosar, Paul A. | R | Ariz. | 4th | No | One more law won't stop mentally ill or hostile people from killing others. We need to educate our people about the reality of this and not pass more useless laws or stomp on people's right to self defense and other civil rights. |
Gowdy, Trey | R | S.C. | 4th | No | |
Granger, Kay | R | Tex. | 12th | No | |
Lamborn, Doug | R | Colo. | 5th | No | I believe that the right to bear arms is one of our nation's most fundamental and vital protections. The Second Amendment rights of Americans are non-negotiable and are not open to infringement. |
Massie, Thomas | R | Ky. | 4th | No | |
McClintock, Tom | R | Calif. | 4th | No | |
Norman, Ralph | R | S.C. | 5th | No | I am a staunch supporter of citizen's right to protect themselves — no law abiding citizen's Second Amendment rights should be infringed. |
Pittenger, Robert | R | N.C. | 9th | No | While well intended, the legislation does not reflect good policy solutions and restricts the gun rights of law abiding citizens |
Reed, Tom | R | N.Y. | 23rd | No | Knee-jerk reactions like banning firearms might make some feel good and create a false sense of security, but is not fair to our law-abiding citizens and endangers our Second Amendment rights to which I remain firmly committed. |
Reichert, David G. | R | Wash. | 8th | No | |
Rohrabacher, Dana | R | Calif. | 48th | No | |
Rooney, Thomas J. | R | Fla. | 17th | No | Congressman Rooney cosponsored legislation to raise the minimum age for purchasing firearms to 21. |
Ryan, Paul D. | R | Wis. | 1st | No | |
Scalise, Steve | R | La. | 1st | No | |
Walorski, Jackie | R | Ind. | 2nd | No | I will carefully consider any legislation that comes before the House to ensure existing laws are fully enforced, address gaps in our mental health system, and protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans. |
Representatives who did not respond
Aderholt, Robert B. | R | Ala. | 4th | Did not respond | |
Allen, Rick | R | Ga. | 12th | Did not respond | |
Amash, Justin | R | Mich. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
Arrington, Jodey | R | Tex. | 19th | Did not respond | |
Babin, Brian | R | Tex. | 36th | Did not respond | |
Bacon, Don | R | Neb. | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Banks, Jim | R | Ind. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
Barr, Andy | R | Ky. | 6th | Did not respond | |
Barton, Joe | R | Tex. | 6th | Did not respond | |
Bergman, Jack | R | Mich. | 1st | Did not respond | |
Biggs, Andy | R | Ariz. | 5th | Did not respond | |
Bilirakis, Gus | R | Fla. | 12th | Did not respond | |
Bishop, Mike | R | Mich. | 8th | Did not respond | |
Bishop, Rob | R | Utah | 1st | Did not respond | |
Bishop, Sanford D. | D | Ga. | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Black, Diane | R | Tenn. | 6th | Did not respond | |
Blackburn, Marsha | R | Tenn. | 7th | Did not respond | |
Blum, Rod | R | Iowa | 1st | Did not respond | |
Bost, Mike | R | Ill. | 12th | Did not respond | |
Brady, Kevin | R | Tex. | 8th | Did not respond | |
Brooks, Mo | R | Ala. | 5th | Did not respond | |
Brooks, Susan W. | R | Ind. | 5th | Did not respond | |
Buchanan, Vern | R | Fla. | 16th | Did not respond | |
Buck, Ken | R | Colo. | 4th | Did not respond | |
Bucshon, Larry | R | Ind. | 8th | Did not respond | |
Budd, Ted | R | N.C. | 13th | Did not respond | |
Burgess, Michael C. | R | Tex. | 26th | Did not respond | |
Bustos, Cheri | D | Ill. | 17th | Did not respond | |
Butterfield, G.K. | D | N.C. | 1st | Did not respond | |
Byrne, Bradley | R | Ala. | 1st | Did not respond | |
Calvert, Ken | R | Calif. | 42nd | Did not respond | |
Carter, Earl L. “Buddy” | R | Ga. | 1st | Did not respond | |
Carter, John R. | R | Tex. | 31st | Did not respond | |
Castor, Kathy | D | Fla. | 14th | Did not respond | |
Chabot, Steve | R | Ohio | 1st | Did not respond | |
Cleaver, Emanuel | D | Mo. | 5th | Did not respond | |
Coffman, Mike | R | Colo. | 6th | Did not respond | |
Cole, Tom | R | Okla. | 4th | Did not respond | |
Collins, Chris | R | N.Y. | 27th | Did not respond | |
Collins, Doug | R | Ga. | 9th | Did not respond | |
Comer, James | R | Ky. | 1st | Did not respond | |
Conaway, K. Michael | R | Tex. | 11th | Did not respond | |
Cook, Paul | R | Calif. | 8th | Did not respond | |
Costa, Jim | D | Calif. | 16th | Did not respond | |
Costello, Ryan A. | R | Pa. | 6th | Did not respond | |
Crawford, Eric A. “Rick” | R | Ark. | 1st | Did not respond | |
Cuellar, Henry | D | Tex. | 28th | Did not respond | |
Culberson, John Abney | R | Tex. | 7th | Did not respond | |
Curbelo, Carlos | R | Fla. | 26th | Did not respond | Congressman Curbelo cosponsored legislation to raise the minimum age for purchasing firearms to 21. |
Davidson, Warren | R | Ohio | 8th | Did not respond | |
Davis, Danny K. | D | Ill. | 7th | Did not respond | |
Davis, Rodney | R | Ill. | 13th | Did not respond | |
DeFazio, Peter A. | D | Ore. | 4th | Did not respond | |
Denham, Jeff | R | Calif. | 10th | Did not respond | |
Dent, Charles W. | R | Pa. | 15th | Did not respond | |
DeSantis, Ron | R | Fla. | 6th | Did not respond | |
DesJarlais, Scott | R | Tenn. | 4th | Did not respond | |
Dingell, Debbie | D | Mich. | 12th | Did not respond | |
Donovan, Daniel M. Jr. | R | N.Y. | 11th | Did not respond | |
Duffy, Sean. P | R | Wis. | 7th | Did not respond | |
Duncan, Jeff | R | S.C. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
Duncan, John J. Jr. | R | Tenn. | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Dunn, Neal P. | R | Fla. | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Emmer, Tom | R | Minn. | 6th | Did not respond | |
Estes, Ron | R | Kan. | 4th | Did not respond | |
Faso, John J. | R | N.Y. | 19th | Did not respond | |
Ferguson, A. Drew | R | Ga. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
Fitzpatrick, Brian K. | R | Pa. | 8th | Did not respond | |
Fleischmann, Charles J. “Chuck” | R | Tenn. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
Flores, Bill | R | Tex. | 17th | Did not respond | |
Fortenberry, Jeff | R | NE | 1st | Did not respond | |
Foxx, Virginia | R | N.C. | 5th | Did not respond | |
Fudge, Marcia L. | D | Ohio | 11th | Did not respond | |
Gaetz, Matt | R | Fla. | 1st | Did not respond | |
Gallagher, Mike | R | Wis. | 8th | Did not respond | |
Garrett, Thomas A. | R | VA | 5th | Did not respond | |
Gianforte, Greg | R | Mont. | At-large | Did not respond | |
Gibbs, Bob | R | Ohio | 7th | Did not respond | |
Gohmert, Louie | R | Tex. | 1st | Did not respond | |
Gonzalez, Vincente | D | Tex. | 15th | Did not respond | |
Goodlatte, Bob | R | VA | 6th | Did not respond | |
Graves, Garret | R | La. | 6th | Did not respond | |
Graves, Sam | R | Mo. | 6th | Did not respond | |
Graves, Tom | R | Ga. | 14th | Did not respond | |
Green, Al | D | Tex. | 9th | Did not respond | |
Green, Gene | D | Tex. | 29th | Did not respond | |
Griffith, H. Morgan | R | VA | 9th | Did not respond | |
Grothman, Glenn | R | Wis. | 6th | Did not respond | |
Guthrie, S. Brett | R | Ky. | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Handel, Karen | R | Ga. | 6th | Did not respond | |
Harper, Gregg | R | Miss. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
Harris, Andy | R | MD | 1st | Did not respond | |
Hartzler, Vicky | R | Mo. | 4th | Did not respond | |
Hensarling, Jeb | R | Tex. | 5th | Did not respond | |
Herrera Beutler, Jaime | R | Wash. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
Hice, Jody B. | R | Ga. | 10th | Did not respond | |
Higgins, Clay | R | La. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
Hill, J. French | R | Ark. | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Holding, George | R | N.C. | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Hollingsworth, Trey | R | Ind. | 9th | Did not respond | |
Hudson, Richard | R | N.C. | 8th | Did not respond | |
Huizenga, Bill | R | Mich. | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Hultgren, Randy | R | Ill. | 14th | Did not respond | |
Hunter, Duncan | R | Calif. | 50th | Did not respond | |
Hurd, Will | R | Tex. | 23rd | Did not respond | |
Issa, Darrell E. | R | Calif. | 49th | Did not respond | |
Jenkins, Evan H. | R | W.Va. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
Jenkins, Lynn | R | Kan. | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Johnson, Bill | R | Ohio | 6th | Did not respond | |
Johnson, Eddie Bernice | D | Tex. | 30th | Did not respond | |
Johnson, Mike | R | La. | 4th | Did not respond | |
Johnson, Sam | R | Tex. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
Jones, Walter B. | R | N.C. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
Jordan, Jim | R | Ohio | 4th | Did not respond | |
Joyce, David P. | R | Ohio | 14th | Did not respond | |
Katko, John | R | N.Y. | 24th | Did not respond | |
Kelly, Mike | R | Pa. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
Kelly, Trent | R | Miss. | 1st | Did not respond | |
Kind, Ron | D | Wis. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
King, Steve | R | Iowa | 4th | Did not respond | |
Kinzinger, Adam | R | Ill. | 16th | Did not respond | |
Knight, Stephen | R | Calif. | 25th | Did not respond | |
Kustoff, David | R | Tenn. | 8th | Did not respond | |
Labrador, Raul R. | R | ID | 1st | Did not respond | |
LaHood, Darin | R | Ill. | 18th | Did not respond | |
LaMalfa, Doug | R | Calif. | 1st | Did not respond | |
Lance, Leonard | R | N.J. | 7th | Did not respond | |
Latta, Robert E. | R | Ohio | 5th | Did not respond | |
Lawson, Al | D | Fla. | 5th | Did not respond | |
Lewis, Jason | R | Minn. | 2nd | Did not respond | |
LoBiondo, Frank A. | R | N.J. | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Loebsack, David | D | Iowa | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Long, Billy | R | Mo. | 7th | Did not respond | |
Loudermilk, Barry | R | Ga. | 11th | Did not respond | |
Love, Mia | R | Utah | 4th | Did not respond | |
Lucas, Frank D. | R | Okla. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
Luetkemeyer, Blaine | R | Mo. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
MacArthur, Thomas | R | N.J. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
Marchant, Kenny | R | Tex. | 24th | Did not respond | |
Marino, Tom | R | Pa. | 10th | Did not respond | |
Marshall, Roger W. | R | Kan. | 1st | Did not respond | |
Mast, Brian J. | R | Fla. | 18th | Did not respond | |
McCarthy, Kevin | R | Calif. | 23rd | Did not respond | |
McCaul, Michael T. | R | Tex. | 10th | Did not respond | |
McHenry, Patrick T. | R | N.C. | 10th | Did not respond | |
McKinley, David B. | R | W.Va. | 1st | Did not respond | |
McMorris Rodgers, Cathy | R | Wash. | 5th | Did not respond | |
McSally, Martha | R | Ariz. | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Meadows, Mark | R | N.C. | 11th | Did not respond | |
Meehan, Patrick | R | Pa. | 7th | Did not respond | |
Messer, Luke | R | Ind. | 6th | Did not respond | |
Mitchell, Paul | R | Mich. | 10th | Did not respond | |
Moolenaar, John R. | R | Mich. | 4th | Did not respond | |
Mooney, Alexander X. | R | W.Va. | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Mullin, Markwayne | R | Okla. | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Neal, Richard E. | D | MA | 1st | Did not respond | |
Newhouse, Dan | R | Wash. | 4th | Did not respond | |
Noem, Kristi L. | R | S.D. | At-large | Did not respond | |
Nunes, Devin | R | Calif. | 22nd | Did not respond | |
O'Halleran, Tom | D | Ariz. | 1st | Did not respond | |
Olson, Pete | R | Tex. | 22nd | Did not respond | |
Pallone, Frank Jr. | D | N.J. | 6th | Did not respond | |
Palmer, Gary J. | R | Ala. | 6th | Did not respond | |
Paulsen, Erik | R | Minn. | 3rd | Did not respond | |
Pearce, Stevan | R | N.M. | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Perry, Scott | R | Pa. | 4th | Did not respond | |
Peterson, Collin C. | D | Minn. | 7th | Did not respond | |
Poe, Ted | R | Tex. | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Poliquin, Bruce | R | Maine | 2nd | Did not respond | |
Polis, Jared | D | Colo. | 2nd |