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SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) - Local members of Congress quickly reacted Thursday night to President Trump's decision to order U.S. Military strike against the Syrian regime in the wake of the deadly chemical attack this week.

U.S. Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) in a statement said "chemical attack this week was the latest in a long line of brutal atrocities committed against the Syrian people by Bashar al-Assad - it warranted a response."

"However, I am concerned that President Trump would launch an attack unilaterally without consulting the legislative branch. Congress has not provided the authority to conduct war against the Syrian government. Going forward, the President owes it to Congress and the American people to inform them of the larger strategy in Syria and any future military actions.

"I look forward to working collaboratively with the President and Congress to hold Assad accountable for his actions, end the war in Syria, and provide for humane treatment of the refugees from this tragedy and tyranny."

U.S. Senator Kamala D. Harris released the following statement in response to U.S. military action in Syria:
“Syrian President Bashar al-Assad viciously attacked innocent civilians, including scores of children, who suffocated to death from chemical weapons. This attack reinforces the clear fact that President Assad is not only a ruthless dictator brutalizing his own people—he is a war criminal the international community cannot ignore.
“President Trump must consult with Congress to address the Administration’s lack of clear objectives in Syria and articulate a detailed strategy and path forward in partnership with our allies. The American people deserve no less.
“The President said that images of slaughtered Syrian children contributed to his decision to take military action. That should also compel the Administration to rethink its misguided refugee policy and open our doors to the children and families fleeing ongoing violence and oppression in Syria and elsewhere.”

Approximately two dozen members of Congress were briefed and notified about the strikes by the White House and Cabinet officials Thursday evening, according to a White House official.