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SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) - The town hall movement is gaining momentum across the nation as Americans turn up the heat on Congress, and San Diego is no exception.

On Wednesday night, hundreds of San Diegans showed up at Liberty Station to call for action from Representatives Scott Peters (D-52) and Susan Davis (D-53) to push back against the Trump administration.

"I am glad people are showing up and want to be involved and fight for their democracy," said Rep. Peters.

Madaleine Falco was one of more than 700 people who packed the town hall on Tuesday. She told Peters she believed he was not "fighting enough for us. I want my elected officials to feel enraged, and I want to see it in your actions."

Town halls are gaining momentum across the county as voters demand change on immigration, a border wall, a travel ban and the Affordable Care Act.

Sheila Coulbourne with Indivisible San Diego said she is "completely passionate but more in a peaceful way."

Not all staunch Democrats like 70-year-old Steve Gross were impressed with Wednesday's town hall.

"They don’t really answer. They sound like Republicans, not Democrats," he said.

Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter has not had a town hall this week. Voters plan to protest outside his office Thursday morning demanding a meeting.