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In a speech viewed thousands of times online, Rep. Scott Peters called on members of Congress to forego their pay if a federal budget is not enacted by April 15.

The Democrat from La Jolla gave a speech on the floor of the House of Representatives Thursday in which he accused Republicans of trying to block a bi-partisan budget deal worked out in December.

“If Congress can’t do its job and pass a budget, they don’t deserve a paycheck,” Peters said. “No hard working American gets paid for not doing the job, so why should we?”

House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin has vowed to bring “regular order” back to the appropriations process, with Congress passing the first budget since 2009 by April 15. But the Republican Party’s more conservative members are objecting to any budget that does not significantly reduce the deficit.

Peters sponsored a “no budget, no pay” bill in 2013 during his first term in Congress.

The video of Peters’ speech on Thursday has been viewed more than 5,000 times on Facebook.