Press Releases

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SAN DIEGO, CA – Today, U.S. Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) and Speaker of the California Assembly Toni G. Atkins hosted a resource workshop and policy seminar for women and working families. The event focused on the challenges women face while finding a work-life balance, working full-time while caring for children or aging parents, or when seeking to re-enter the workforce.

“In order for San Diego, and America, to succeed we must engage the full economic potential of women,” Rep. Peters said. “Expanding economic and educational opportunities is part of the puzzle but, as I’ve heard from across the district, access to childcare and finding a work-life balance are important factors as well. I’m honored to host this event with Speaker Atkins to continue this necessary conversation but also to provide resources to local working families.”

“Women juggle so many challenges, it is important to make sure we have access to the information and resources we need to succeed in the workforce, at school, and at home,” Speaker Atkins said.  “I was pleased to be able to share some of the steps the Legislature has taken this year, including increasing scholarships, restoring child care slots, and helping veterans connect with employers.  This panel was also a good opportunity to hear from women about the issues that affect them and their families, and I thank Rep. Peters for the opportunity to co-sponsor this important discussion.”

Other topics discussed included pay equity and the going fight to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work, and the impact of available and affordable child care. Additionally, local service providers were on hand with resources on résumé building, workforce and skills training, nutrition assistance, and financial literacy and planning. In addition to Rep. Peters and Speaker Atkins, the panel included Diana Jurado-Sainz of the National Latina Business Women Association, Clare Crawford of the Center on Policy Initiatives, and Kelly Jenkins-Pultz from the U.S. Department of Labor Women’s Bureau.

“It is very important to me as a working mother to have as many resources and information as possible easily accessible to me,” said Jurado-Sainz. “These resources, such as the Women and Working Families Event, assist my family and me in raising a productive and smart girl who will soon be the future of our country. That is why as a mother I have now become more involved in my community in order to share my experiences and all information available to me in order to assist others in their journey through parenthood.”

Today’s event follows Congressman Peters’ event in May entitled ‘When Women Succeed, San Diego Succeeds,’ which focused on expanding economic and education opportunities for women and families.