In the News

After months of chaos in City Hall, it is imperative that trust in city government is restored. First and foremost, employees and visitors alike must feel safe in an environment with the highest ethical standards. Second, there’s a lot of work to be done, and city leaders must move forward with the business of the city.

We have confidence in council President Todd Gloria as interim mayor, and his ability to lead the city in an open, honest and effective manner. We have worked with him, and he has always had the city’s best interests in mind. He is reasonable, smart and a proven coalition-builder, bringing together people of all parties and interests.

San Diego needs a thoughtful, proven leader. We all need to stand behind Todd Gloria and join him to keep San Diego moving forward along a path to economic recovery to provide San Diegans with the highest quality of life in the nation.

State Sen. Ben Hueso

Rep. Scott Peters

Assemblywoman Toni Atkins