Press Releases

Rep. Peters Adds Retired Marine/Wounded Warrior Fellow to Staff

Peters now has two veterans among the eight staffers in his San Diego office

SAN DIEGO, CA – Today, Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) announced that his San Diego office, working in conjunction with the House of Representatives Wounded Warrior Fellows Program, has brought on Timothy Caudill as a Field Representative. Caudill, a United States Marine Corps veteran, will handle veterans’ specific casework in his dual role reporting to both Rep. Peters and the Chief Administrative Officer of the US House.

“I am glad to bring Tim on board to join my already talented San Diego staff,” Congressman Peters said. “The office is already working hard every day to help our community’s population of veterans with various casework issues, and Tim will be a great addition to increase our capacity. I look forward to working with Tim over the next year and a half.”

Caudill is a resident of San Diego and is also pursuing higher education at San Diego City College. The other veteran in Peters’ San Diego office, Sarah March, works in a staff assistant and caseworker role and served two tours of duty with the United States Navy in the Persian Gulf.

More information on the Wounded Warrior Fellowship program in the House of Representatives can be found here.
