In the News


The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) and BIOCOM today thanked Rep. Scott Peters (D-Calif.) for introducing legislation that would make renewable chemicals eligible for support in the USDA Biorefinery Assistance Program. Mr. Peters offered the legislation as an amendment to be considered during House floor debate on the Farm Bill, expected this week.

"Numerous innovative companies in San Diego, and across the country, are working to generate cleaner, renewable products while creating more quality jobs in our biotechnology sector," said Congressman Scott Peters. "This legislation promotes clean manufacturing and reduces our dependence on imported energy, which is important to our economy and our national security."

Brent Erickson, executive vice president of BIO's Industrial & Environmental Section, said, "Renewable chemicals represent a new opportunity to revive America's manufacturing sector and improve U.S. economic competitiveness with homegrown technology and innovation. Eligibility for renewable chemical projects in the Farm Bill Energy Title programs is long overdue. We thank Representative Peters for introducing this language and will work with him to ensure that there is a level playing field in Farm Bill energy programs.

"Representative Peters has been a strong champion for the industrial biotech sector in his district, in California and throughout the nation. In addition to supporting renewable chemicals, he is advocating for policies to advance military biofuel production that are vital to U.S. national security. And we look forward to working with him to see that these policies are successful."

Joe Panetta, President and CEO of BIOCOM, said, "BIOCOM thanks Congressman Scott Peters for introducing legislation that would make renewable chemicals projects eligible for funding under the Farm Bill's Energy Title programs. Southern California is one of the world's leading innovators in industrial biotechnology. Recognizing the important role renewable chemicals play in building a strong biobased economy is an essential step in the right direction. We look forward to working with Congress on this critical issue."