Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) released the following statement on his vote against H.R. 1797, the misleadingly named Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. The bill, which would bar a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy after 20 weeks and criminalize doctors seeking to provide constitutionally protected care, passed the House by a 22-196 vote.

Congressman Peters said, “As a longtime advocate for a woman’s right to choose, I am offended by this attempt to jeopardize women’s health by restricting access to safe and legal medical services. The decision to terminate a pregnancy is never an easy one; it is a sensitive decision best made between the mother, her family, and her doctor. For women already facing potentially dangerous conditions or one of many complications that can occur during a pregnancy, this bill intrudes on the best interest of the patient by denying her the full slate of medical options.

“Women and their doctors should be the ones making difficult personal health care decisions, not Washington politicians. The bill, based on pseudo-science, is clearly unconstitutional and is a blatant attempt to challenge forty years of legal precedent at the expense of the health of our nation’s women. That is why numerous organizations, religious groups, and medical professionals also oppose this harmful bill.

“Instead of working to improve our nation’s economy or keep student loan rates from doubling in ten days, the House Republican leadership brought forward a divisive social issues bill that does not move the country toward economic recovery. Women in America deserve better than this legislation that everyone knows will not become law. It is an attack on women’s rights and personal health choices.”

The Congressman also spoke on the House floor to oppose the bill. Full video of that speech can be seen at the following link:
