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San Diego County's five Congressional representatives all voted Thursday in favor of the two-year budget compromise that would restore some military funding and avoid another government shutdown.

Reps. Susan Davis, Duncan HunterDarrell Issa, Scott Peters and Juan Vargas joined the bi-partisan majority in approving the bill 332 to 94 and sending it to the Senate.

The two-year budget deal, negotiated by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), stops $63 billion in automatic spending cuts under the sequestration and sets total government spending at $1.012 trillion in 2014.

“I supported today’s budget agreement because it is the sort of bipartisan, reasonable solution that the people of San Diego expect from Congress," said Peters, a Democrat, in a statement after the vote. "For the first time in four years we will replace crisis-to-crisis budgeting with a two-year plan that provides stability and predictability to agencies, basic scientific research programs, and the military.

Issa, a Republican, told The Daily Beast prior to the vote that is was "the best deal Paul Ryan, a conservative all of us trust, could get without government shutdown."